Worldwide IP Connectivity

Worldwide IP Connectivity

High-Performance VSAT

High-Performance VSAT

SATCOM for land, sea and air

SATCOM for land, sea and air


01. Data, Voice & Video over Satellite
Secure IP connectivity for your worldwide locations, no matter how remote.
Next: High-Performance VSAT
High-performance satellite networking with QoS and SLA guarantee.
02. Quality of Service and SLA
Redundant connectivity solutions for enterprise, government, military and research organizations.
Next: Mobile services
Connect via satellite on the go.
03. COTP and COTM
Compact, high-power reflector and phased array mobile systems.
Next: Trunking services
DVB-S2X and SCPC services for telecoms and MNOs.
04. Solutions for telecoms and MNOs
Dedicated connectivity for providers with very high spectral efficiency.
Next: Global broadband
Broadband satellite Internet connectivity worldwide.
Our Satellite Services
BusinessCom provides global telecommunications services on a fleet of 14 satellites. Our space segment is connected to the Internet and other networks via Earth stations in Europe and the United States.